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We Are Beloved

Inspired by the message of St Josemaría Escrivá, we launched Beloved in July 2019. St Josemaría highlighted the great joy, hope and strength Christians can find in the reality that we are more than mere creatures – we are children of God. Hence we chose a name that would reflect this reality. The name Beloved comes from St John’s Gospel referring to our divine filiation: “Beloved, we are God’s children” (1 Jn 3:2).

What does Beloved offer?

From the start we knew we needed to be on-line as that is how most people now access their information, and yet we knew we wanted Beloved to be much more than just a website. We wanted it to be a means of encounter for people in real life. Certainly we do offer quite a lot of online input: daily posts and inspirations on our Instagram and Facebook account, and weekly blog posts on our website. But Beloved is more than its on-line material: it is a vehicle for real life encounters as well.

Praise the Lord

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