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Video: Priesthood, Marriage, & Sacrificial Worship

In the third episode Archbishop Smith sits down with Fr. Mike and Kim Bombak, from the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Edmonton, to talk about the sacrificial aspects of worship coinciding with those of marriage and priesthood.

ARCHBISHOP IN DIALOGUE is a new digital platform for the Archbishop of Edmonton to teach the Catholic faith in an engaging manner, using thoughtful conversations with a variety of guests from all walks of life.

This project has grown out of Archbishop Smith’s 2017 Pastoral Letter, Living in the Word of God. In it, he offered “some thoughts as to how we, as members of this Archdiocesan family, can together listen carefully to the Word of God and, in a shared commitment, put it into practice.” He also posed a number of reflection questions to help us examine how we can more fully embrace our Christian identity and joyfully follow the Christian way of life.

Praise the Lord

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