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Italian and Kazakh Hospitals Partner to Battle Covid-19

The Catholic Church in Kazakhstan is committed to the common good of the country and tries to support the national health system in the fight against Covid-19. In response to the spread of the coronavirus, Caritas Kazakhstan has launched a new long-term project, entitled “Stop-Covid Kz,” reports Fides News Agency.

The goal is to get closer to the country’s vulnerable and imperfect health system, especially in regions far from central cities, in order to provide health workers with adequate professional support. To this end, Caritas has started twinning between Italian and Kazakh hospitals, so that the former can offer advice to the latter: Fr. Trezzani, an Italian missionary in the country and Director of Caritas Kazakhstan: “A few days ago we started the first collaboration between a facility in Almaty and San Raffaele hospital in Milan, a prestigious facility in Italy. We would like our action not to be limited to the emergency of the pandemic, but to continue over time”. San Raffaele is a scientific institute and a highly specialized and internationally recognized university polyclinic, founded in 1971 to provide specialized treatments and contribute to the development of new therapies for many pathologies.

“The pastoral and social activities of the Catholic community in Kazakhstan – Fr. Trezzani points out – have slowed down due to social distancing measures. We, therefore, decided to implement new methods of action in order not to stop and continue to operate so that this time of forced closure is not wasted. Shortly before the outbreak of the pandemic, as Caritas Kazakhstan, we were working on the opening of a new day center for children with disabilities, in collaboration with the Municipality of Almaty. A few days ago, a representative of the health inspection services visited our Center to tell us everything that needs to be changed or improved: in this way, we will be ready to start as soon as the lockdown is over”.

Praise the Lord

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