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Building Life as a Couple on Solid Rock

Young couples today face a great number of challenges and strains. And many of them have no one they can rely on to give them Christian guidance on ways to strengthen their relationship. Thinking about all this was what led Oriane and Christophe to start the initiative “Batir ta maison sur le roc” (“Build you house on rock”).

What are you trying to achieve with this initiative?

Our goal is to help guide young couples, recently married or engaged, by preparing them to live their marriage in a Christian way. Stress is placed on the need to “communicate as a couple,” since we think this is the area where the greatest difficulties can arise and undermine the unity of a marriage. We organize seven sessions a year, basically one per month with a break for the summer. Before each session the participants receive material with the key ideas that are going to be raised, so they can begin to prepare for the discussion.

Praise the Lord

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