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No Pocketful of Rye

Two rows of unborn lettuce.Lockdown continues with its odd little privations. Today I discovered that there is no rye flour in either Tesco or the local health food store. The local Polish grocery has closed, and the nearest is an hour’s walk away through a rather dodgy neighbourhood. The organic shops aren’t delivering to new customers, and eBay is carrying only enormous sacks. This rather puts a crimp in my plans to make my own zakwas for Polish Easter Soup.

A seller in Wrexham has a bottle of zakwas for sale–but for £10 plus £3 postage. I am not the kind of woman who would either sell or buy a product for £13 that normally costs £1.  I offered him £3 (plus the postage). He said no. “Profiteer,” I sneered and clicked away. So there we are. No rye flour, no zakwas.

After work I asked the lady downstairs if she has any rye flour, but she has never even heard of rye flour. I’m starting to think all rye grown in Scotland is requisitioned for the whisky.

Praise the Lord

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