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Fighting Covid-19 in India: Prayer, Solidarity, Hope

Christian faithful in India are committed to serving the nation in this moment of crisis created by the coronavirus pandemic, reported Fides News Agency.

“In India, the lockdown of almost a month represents a challenge, on a social, economic and medical level. The situation is more serious for the poor, the homeless, the tribals, the Dalits and religious minority groups whose life, even in normal times, is difficult. At the moment, no specific guidelines or economic packages have been announced to guarantee survival,” said the “Evangelical Fellowship of India” (EFI), an organization that brings together 65 thousand Christian communities across the Indian territory, in a message sent to Fides. “Many migrant workers have been blocked in their workplaces. There is no transport home, no wages to buy food and no shelter.”,

Today the Christian community in India, it says, “takes on the responsibility of guiding the nation in hope and spiritual strength in the fight against the threats of covid-19. The coincidence of this crisis with the Lent season is an opportunity to unite forces with the authorities in this common struggle”.

Praise the Lord

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