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Love in the Time of Coronavirus: Spiritual Communion

Last July I felt a strong urging to write an article about a “Lay Dry Mass” where a group of the faithful could gather, read the daily Mass readings and pray. In that article I wrote:

The simple idea is that a group of the faithful would gather, read the daily Mass readings and pray. There could be a lector, and it could be held in a church, or it could be more like a prayer group, held anywhere. The semi-formal liturgy would begin with a Confiteor of sorts (but with no absolution, obviously), followed by the readings, and hymns, if possible and desired. Although there could be no “homily,” if someone had a short word or reflection, they could offer it from their seats, indicating that the person offering it is not ordained. If even this is inappropriate (I do not know), reflections could be shared after the service was concluded, in an even more casual way with whomever wants to gather and share.

You may have had the experience of having something on your heart that you were fairly certain was from the Holy Spirit, but which might not have made too much sense to you. It could have been something you knew you should say to someone, give to someone, step out into, or any number of other leadings.

Praise the Lord

Read the Whole Article at