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Wheat and Tares

“Heaven” should not be understood only in the sense that it towers above us, because this infinite space also takes the form of human interiority.

Praise the Lord

Martha, Mary and Ill-Fated Marriage

Our Lady of Fatima purportedly revealed to young Jacinta that many marriages are not willed by God, the truth of which may be borne out

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Walking the Opeongo Line with Saint Ann

A brief note from the now-shuttered, yet still beautifully maintained, parish of Saint Joseph’s, on the Opeongo Line, as we, about 90 or so pilgrims,

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Peter of the Golden Words

Saint Peter Chrysologous (+450) was, as the traditional account has it, chosen bishop of Ravenna in 433 after the Pope, Sixtus III, had a vision

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Can Popes be Heretics?

Is the Pope a heretic? should sound like the beginning of a bad joke, but is a charge that has been made by a group

Praise the Lord