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Eucharistic Reparation Opportunities in Septuagesima

Lord Jesus, drawing nigh with boldness to the throne of grace, we pray thee mercifully to behold and hear our prayer: that thy glory, which in the Sacrament of thy love is outraged perpetually by the blasphemies of wicked men, may by the perpetual worship of thy family be repaired (Collect from the Feast of Reparation of Insults Offered to the Most Holy Sacrament found in the Missae pro Aliquibus Locis).

Movable Masses in Some Places

Turning to the Sacred Liturgy of Holy Mother Church, there is a fascinating list of movable Masses related to our Lord’s Passion that are kept in some places and by some religious orders – but not on the Church’s Universal Calendar. These Masses in some places can be found in the supplement of the traditional Roman Missal under Missae pro Aliquibus Locis and some of the feastdays in the list include:

Praise the Lord

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