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WDTPRS – Holy Family (1962MR): Families not of blood

In the traditional Roman calendar, this Sunday, the 1st after Epiphany, we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family.
The 1570 Missale Romanum does not have the feast of the Holy Family.  I believe devotion to the Holy Family really took off in the 17th century, especially in French speaking regions.  Pope Leo XIII seems to have introduced the feast for Canada in 1893 and Benedict XV gave it to the whole Latin Church in 1921.
COLLECT (Holy Family – 1962MR):
Domine Iesu Christe, qui Mariae et Ioseph subditus, domesticam vitam ineffabilibus virtutibus consecrasti: fac nos, utriusque auxilio, Familiae sanctae tuae exemplis instrui; et consortium consequi

Praise the Lord

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