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My favourite season of the year is always the season we are presently in.   To put this in context I am privileged to live here at the Ignatius Jesuit Centre on 600 acres of beautiful farmland, marshland, bush and woodlands through which flows the Marden Creek meandering towards and into the Speed River that borders several kilometers of the property.

Each season here has its own unique beauty.  So my favourite season is always the one we are in right now.   As I write we are in the early days of autumn.  The variety of Maples and other hardwood trees are now exchanging their green robes for their brilliant festive colours; various shades of reds, oranges and yellows.

Soon comes the time when the winds send leaves swirling and falling to blanket the cooling earth and make walking in the woods a playful swishing adventure.  That will be the transition season which stirs in me a nostalgia for my younger days when it was the transitioning from baseball to football the two sports I enjoy watching but in my younger days loved to play.

Praise the Lord

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